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Версия AutoIT: 3+
Описание: безопасность ПК (Windows, Linux, etc.)
+ автоматизация для прокси;
+ bFilter бесплатен;
+ списки Ad Block Plus обновляются чаще;
+ можно конвертировать собранные из Firefox'а.
+ и т.д.
Добрый день.
Есть такая задача.
Для повышения безопасности при работе в сети ОС Linux || Windows $v || etc. и блокирования нежелательного трафика используется Bfilter.
В качестве списков блокирования используются листы Adblock Plus
Есть скрипт на Perl'e который конвертирует эти списки для Bfilter'а - (прилагается под катом).
Помогите перевести скрипт на Autoit; простенький drag&drop с сохранением.
Если кому идея интересна, прошу помочь.
пример исходного фильтра:
пример конечного фильтра:
Описание: безопасность ПК (Windows, Linux, etc.)
+ автоматизация для прокси;
+ bFilter бесплатен;
+ списки Ad Block Plus обновляются чаще;
+ можно конвертировать собранные из Firefox'а.
+ и т.д.
Добрый день.
Есть такая задача.
Для повышения безопасности при работе в сети ОС Linux || Windows $v || etc. и блокирования нежелательного трафика используется Bfilter.
В качестве списков блокирования используются листы Adblock Plus
Есть скрипт на Perl'e который конвертирует эти списки для Bfilter'а - (прилагается под катом).
Помогите перевести скрипт на Autoit; простенький drag&drop с сохранением.
Если кому идея интересна, прошу помочь.
use strict; # to catch stupid errors
# BFilter directives for blocking and exempting Adblock Plus URL patterns
# (Strong and weak versions required, see comments below)
my $BLOCK_PREFIX_STRONG = "++++++";
my $BLOCK_PREFIX_WEAK = "+++";
# The main loop
while (defined(my $thisLine = <STDIN>))
print processLine(trim($thisLine));
# Subroutines
# Process a single line from STDIN
sub processLine()
# The incoming line has been stripped of leading and trailing
# white space and the terminating newline.
my ($line) = @_;
# Copy blank lines
if ($line =~ m/^$/)
return "\n";
# Handle comment and Adblock Plus header lines
if ($line =~ m/^[\[!]/)
return "# $line\n";;
# Handle unimplemented lines
# (These are Adblock Plus element-hiding patterns)
if ($line =~ m/#/)
return "# <Element> $line\n";
# See if this is an Exception pattern
# If so, strip "@@" from the front of the line.
my $isException = ($line =~ m/^@@/);
if ($isException)
$line =~ s/^@@//;
# Is the pattern already in regex form?
my $isRegEx = ($line =~ m/^\/.*\/$/);
# Used to construct the output line.
my $prefix;
my $pattern;
# We process regex patterns differently from others.
if ($isRegEx)
# Use the existing regex with an appropriate BFilter prefix.
$pattern = $line;
# If the pattern includes "filter options", which BFilter cannot support,
# strip them from the line and use a weak BFilter prefix.
my $isWeak = ($line =~ m/\$/);
if ($isWeak)
$line =~ s/\$.*//;
# Check to see whether the pattern is anchored at one or both ends
# if so, strip the anchor characters from the line.
my $anchoredStartDomain = ($line =~ m/^\|\|/);
my $anchoredStart = ($line =~ m/^\|/);
my $anchoredEnd = ($line =~ m/\|$/);
if ($anchoredStart || $anchoredEnd)
$line =~ s/\|//g;
# Remove redundant strings of wildcards
$line =~ s/\*+/\*/g;
# If the pattern contains a literal '?' or '^', we need to convert it
# to a regex because '?' is used as a wild card in BFilter and '^' needs to
# be processed as a set of alternative characters.
# Also, we will force domain-anchored patterns to be a RegEx
my $convertToRegEx = $anchoredStartDomain || ($line =~ m/\?|\^/);
# Catch unexpected '|' and treat the line as a comment.
my $invalidLine = ($line =~ m/\|/);
if ($convertToRegEx)
# We replace ? with \? in the output regex.
# We also need to escape certain other characters that
# have special meaning in a regex: . + \
$line =~ s/([\?\/\.\+])/\\\1/g;
# We replace ^ with a set of break characters
$line =~ s/\^/(?![A-Za-z0-9\\-.%])/g;
# Are there wildcards at the unanchored beginning and/or end
# of a pattern? If so, remove them now.
if (!$anchoredStart)
$line =~ s/^\*+//;
if (!$anchoredEnd)
$line =~ s/\*+$//;
# Translate * to .* in the regex.
$line =~ s/[\*]/\.\*/g;
# Build the regex version of the pattern.
$pattern = "/";
if ($anchoredStartDomain)
$pattern = $pattern . 'http(s)?://';
elsif (!$anchoredStart)
$pattern = $pattern . '.*';
$pattern = $pattern . $line;
if (!$anchoredEnd)
$pattern = $pattern . '.*';
$pattern = $pattern . "/";
# regex not required. Construct an output pattern with
# appropriate anchoring.
$pattern = "";
if (!$anchoredStart)
# Add a wildcard if there is not already one at the start.
if (!($line =~ m/^\*/))
$pattern = $pattern . "*";
$pattern = $pattern . $line;
if (!$anchoredEnd)
# Add a wildcard if there is not already one at the end.
if (!($line =~ m/\*$/))
$pattern = $pattern . "*";
# Use the approprite prefix - weak or strong.
if ($isException)
# Flag invalid lines
if ($invalidLine)
$prefix = "# <Invalid> " . $prefix;
return "$prefix $pattern\n";
# Remove the newine from the string then
# strip leading and trailing white space.
sub trim()
my ($string) = @_;
chomp $string;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
use strict; # to catch stupid errors
# BFilter directives for blocking and exempting Adblock Plus URL patterns
# (Strong and weak versions required, see comments below)
my $BLOCK_PREFIX_STRONG = "++++++";
my $BLOCK_PREFIX_WEAK = "+++";
# The main loop
while (defined(my $thisLine = <STDIN>))
print processLine(trim($thisLine));
# Subroutines
# Process a single line from STDIN
sub processLine()
# The incoming line has been stripped of leading and trailing
# white space and the terminating newline.
my ($line) = @_;
# Copy blank lines
if ($line =~ m/^$/)
return "\n";
# Handle comment and Adblock Plus header lines
if ($line =~ m/^[\[!]/)
return "# $line\n";;
# Handle unimplemented lines
# (These are Adblock Plus element-hiding patterns)
if ($line =~ m/#/)
return "# <Element> $line\n";
# See if this is an Exception pattern
# If so, strip "@@" from the front of the line.
my $isException = ($line =~ m/^@@/);
if ($isException)
$line =~ s/^@@//;
# Is the pattern already in regex form?
my $isRegEx = ($line =~ m/^\/.*\/$/);
# Used to construct the output line.
my $prefix;
my $pattern;
# We process regex patterns differently from others.
if ($isRegEx)
# Use the existing regex with an appropriate BFilter prefix.
$pattern = $line;
# If the pattern includes "filter options", which BFilter cannot support,
# strip them from the line and use a weak BFilter prefix.
my $isWeak = ($line =~ m/\$/);
if ($isWeak)
$line =~ s/\$.*//;
# Check to see whether the pattern is anchored at one or both ends
# if so, strip the anchor characters from the line.
my $anchoredStartDomain = ($line =~ m/^\|\|/);
my $anchoredStart = ($line =~ m/^\|/);
my $anchoredEnd = ($line =~ m/\|$/);
if ($anchoredStart || $anchoredEnd)
$line =~ s/\|//g;
# Remove redundant strings of wildcards
$line =~ s/\*+/\*/g;
# If the pattern contains a literal '?' or '^', we need to convert it
# to a regex because '?' is used as a wild card in BFilter and '^' needs to
# be processed as a set of alternative characters.
# Also, we will force domain-anchored patterns to be a RegEx
my $convertToRegEx = $anchoredStartDomain || ($line =~ m/\?|\^/);
# Catch unexpected '|' and treat the line as a comment.
my $invalidLine = ($line =~ m/\|/);
if ($convertToRegEx)
# We replace ? with \? in the output regex.
# We also need to escape certain other characters that
# have special meaning in a regex: . + \
$line =~ s/([\?\/\.\+])/\\\1/g;
# We replace ^ with a set of break characters
$line =~ s/\^/(?![A-Za-z0-9\\-.%])/g;
# Are there wildcards at the unanchored beginning and/or end
# of a pattern? If so, remove them now.
if (!$anchoredStart)
$line =~ s/^\*+//;
if (!$anchoredEnd)
$line =~ s/\*+$//;
# Translate * to .* in the regex.
$line =~ s/[\*]/\.\*/g;
# Build the regex version of the pattern.
$pattern = "/";
if ($anchoredStartDomain)
$pattern = $pattern . 'http(s)?://';
elsif (!$anchoredStart)
$pattern = $pattern . '.*';
$pattern = $pattern . $line;
if (!$anchoredEnd)
$pattern = $pattern . '.*';
$pattern = $pattern . "/";
# regex not required. Construct an output pattern with
# appropriate anchoring.
$pattern = "";
if (!$anchoredStart)
# Add a wildcard if there is not already one at the start.
if (!($line =~ m/^\*/))
$pattern = $pattern . "*";
$pattern = $pattern . $line;
if (!$anchoredEnd)
# Add a wildcard if there is not already one at the end.
if (!($line =~ m/\*$/))
$pattern = $pattern . "*";
# Use the approprite prefix - weak or strong.
if ($isException)
# Flag invalid lines
if ($invalidLine)
$prefix = "# <Invalid> " . $prefix;
return "$prefix $pattern\n";
# Remove the newine from the string then
# strip leading and trailing white space.
sub trim()
my ($string) = @_;
chomp $string;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
return $string;
пример исходного фильтра:
пример конечного фильтра:
# Hover ads (DHTML popups) to block
FORBID /http(s)?://(www\.)?*\.js/
FORBID /http(s)?://(www\.)?code-server\.biz/code/.*/
FORBID /http(s)?://(www\.)?*/
FORBID /http(s)?://(www\.)?view4cash\..*/.*/
FORBID /http(s)?://([^/]+\.)?(layer|sponsor)(-)?ad(s)?\..*/.*/
FORBID /http(s)?://([^/]+\.)?euros4click\..*/.*/
FORBID /http(s)?://engine\.adnet\.ru/.*/
FORBID */layer/layer.php*
# Tooltip ads to block
JS /http(s)?://kona\.kontera\.com/javascript/.*/
JS /http(s)?://autocontext\.begun\.ru/.*\.js/
JS /http(s)?://*/.*/
JS /http(s)?://*/.*/
JS *pagead*.googlesyndication.*/pagead/*
FORBID /http(s)?://[^/]+\.intellitxt\.com/intellitxt/.*/
FORBID /http(s)?://itxt\.vibrantmedia\.com/.*/
FORBID /http(s)?://*/.*/
# Specific hostnames to block
AD **
AD *google-analytics.*
AD *googleadservices.*
AD **/*
AD **
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?ad(bot|brite|bureau|butler|center|central|centriconline|click(s)?|client|clix(2)?|code(s)?|complete|cont(roller|ent)|count(er)?|cycle|farm[0-9]?|img|image|juggler|legend|popup(s)?|s|serv(er(plus)?|ing)?)?\..*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?advert(ist|agent|ising|isement(s)?|power|serve|s)\..*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?banner(-)?(4all|box(es)?|community|connect|host|image|landia|exchange|master|mall|markt|power|server|swap|4cash|ad(s|bank)?|wizard|(-)?link|s)\..*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?engine\.ad(land|net|rorer)\.ru.*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?casal(e)?media\..*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?cash(4banner|4popup|4views|count|create|engines|fiesta|partner)\..*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?(c|k)licksor\..*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?double(-)?click\..*/.*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?etracker\.de/.*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?falkag\.(de|net)/.*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?hitbox(enterprise|wireless)\..*/.*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?ivwbox\.de/.*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?*/.*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?link(\.link|4ads|buddies|exchange|positions|price|rain|refferal|shighway|swaper|synergy)\..*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?nedstat(basic)?\..*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?pages\.etology\.com.*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?spymagic\.com.*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?tradedoubler\.com.*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?uimserv\.net/.*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?yield(x|manager)\..*/
# Javascript to block
JS */oasconfig/*
JS */*.js
JS /http(s)?://*\.js/
JS /http(s)?://js\.redtram\.com/.*/
JS /http(s)?://media\.funpic\.de/.*/
JS /http(s)?://www\.fortunecity\.com/js/.*/
# Common ad paths to block
AD /.*/(_)?banner(s)?/.*/
AD /.*/ad(image|popup|vertis(ing|ement)|s)?\..*/
AD /.*/(page)?ad(s|frame|v)?([1-9])?/.*/
AD /.*/reklam(e|a)/.*/
AD /.*/sponsor(s|en|ing|ad(s)?)?/.*/
AD /.*/werbung(en)?/.*/
AD /.*/(view)?ad(vertisement|sense)?(s)?/.*/
# Some hints
++++++ /http(s)?://ads[\d]*\..*/
+++++ /.*/(ad[sv]?|advert(isements?)?|banners?)[^a-z].*/
++++ /http(s)?://clk\..*/
++++ *banner*
+++ /.*(c|k)lick(s)?.*/
+++ /.*count(er|omat).*/
-6 /http://.*\*/
-5 http://**
FORBID /http(s)?://(www\.)?*\.js/
FORBID /http(s)?://(www\.)?code-server\.biz/code/.*/
FORBID /http(s)?://(www\.)?*/
FORBID /http(s)?://(www\.)?view4cash\..*/.*/
FORBID /http(s)?://([^/]+\.)?(layer|sponsor)(-)?ad(s)?\..*/.*/
FORBID /http(s)?://([^/]+\.)?euros4click\..*/.*/
FORBID /http(s)?://engine\.adnet\.ru/.*/
FORBID */layer/layer.php*
# Tooltip ads to block
JS /http(s)?://kona\.kontera\.com/javascript/.*/
JS /http(s)?://autocontext\.begun\.ru/.*\.js/
JS /http(s)?://*/.*/
JS /http(s)?://*/.*/
JS *pagead*.googlesyndication.*/pagead/*
FORBID /http(s)?://[^/]+\.intellitxt\.com/intellitxt/.*/
FORBID /http(s)?://itxt\.vibrantmedia\.com/.*/
FORBID /http(s)?://*/.*/
# Specific hostnames to block
AD **
AD *google-analytics.*
AD *googleadservices.*
AD **/*
AD **
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?ad(bot|brite|bureau|butler|center|central|centriconline|click(s)?|client|clix(2)?|code(s)?|complete|cont(roller|ent)|count(er)?|cycle|farm[0-9]?|img|image|juggler|legend|popup(s)?|s|serv(er(plus)?|ing)?)?\..*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?advert(ist|agent|ising|isement(s)?|power|serve|s)\..*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?banner(-)?(4all|box(es)?|community|connect|host|image|landia|exchange|master|mall|markt|power|server|swap|4cash|ad(s|bank)?|wizard|(-)?link|s)\..*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?engine\.ad(land|net|rorer)\.ru.*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?casal(e)?media\..*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?cash(4banner|4popup|4views|count|create|engines|fiesta|partner)\..*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?(c|k)licksor\..*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?double(-)?click\..*/.*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?etracker\.de/.*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?falkag\.(de|net)/.*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?hitbox(enterprise|wireless)\..*/.*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?ivwbox\.de/.*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?*/.*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?link(\.link|4ads|buddies|exchange|positions|price|rain|refferal|shighway|swaper|synergy)\..*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?nedstat(basic)?\..*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?pages\.etology\.com.*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?spymagic\.com.*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?tradedoubler\.com.*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?uimserv\.net/.*/
AD /http(s)?://([^/]*\.)?yield(x|manager)\..*/
# Javascript to block
JS */oasconfig/*
JS */*.js
JS /http(s)?://*\.js/
JS /http(s)?://js\.redtram\.com/.*/
JS /http(s)?://media\.funpic\.de/.*/
JS /http(s)?://www\.fortunecity\.com/js/.*/
# Common ad paths to block
AD /.*/(_)?banner(s)?/.*/
AD /.*/ad(image|popup|vertis(ing|ement)|s)?\..*/
AD /.*/(page)?ad(s|frame|v)?([1-9])?/.*/
AD /.*/reklam(e|a)/.*/
AD /.*/sponsor(s|en|ing|ad(s)?)?/.*/
AD /.*/werbung(en)?/.*/
AD /.*/(view)?ad(vertisement|sense)?(s)?/.*/
# Some hints
++++++ /http(s)?://ads[\d]*\..*/
+++++ /.*/(ad[sv]?|advert(isements?)?|banners?)[^a-z].*/
++++ /http(s)?://clk\..*/
++++ *banner*
+++ /.*(c|k)lick(s)?.*/
+++ /.*count(er|omat).*/
-6 /http://.*\*/
-5 http://**