// Generated .IDL/C++ pseudo source equivalent of Win32 type library ..\agentstatectl.dll
helpstring("Cisco CTIOS Agent State Control")
library AgentStateCtlLib
// Forward references and typedefs
dispinterface IAgentStateCtl;
dispinterface _IAgentStateCtlEvents;
dispinterface _IReasonCodePropPageEvents;
typedef [public] __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AgentStateCtl_0000_0001 enumReasonCodeState;
typedef enum
eNotUsed = 0,
eRequested = 1,
eRequired = 2
} __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AgentStateCtl_0000_0001;
typedef [public] __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AgentStateCtl_0000_0002 enumAgentWorkMode;
typedef enum
eUnspecified = 0,
eAutoIn = 1,
eManualIn = 2
} __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AgentStateCtl_0000_0002;
helpstring("IAgentStateCtl Interface")
dispinterface IAgentStateCtl
[id(0), restricted] void QueryInterface(
[in] GUID* riid,
[out] void** ppvObj);
[id(1), restricted] unsigned long AddRef();
[id(2), restricted] unsigned long Release();
[id(3), restricted] void GetTypeInfoCount([out] unsigned int* pctinfo);
[id(4), restricted] void GetTypeInfo(
[in] unsigned int itinfo,
[in] unsigned long lcid,
[out] void** pptinfo);
[id(5), restricted] void GetIDsOfNames(
[in] GUID* riid,
[in] char** rgszNames,
[in] unsigned int cNames,
[in] unsigned long lcid,
[out] long* rgdispid);
[id(6), restricted] void Invoke(
[in] long dispidMember,
[in] GUID* riid,
[in] unsigned long lcid,
[in] unsigned short wFlags,
[in] DISPPARAMS* pdispparams,
[out] VARIANT* pvarResult,
[out] EXCEPINFO* pexcepinfo,
[out] unsigned int* puArgErr);
[id(7), propget, helpstring("property ButtonType")] AgentStateButtonType ButtonType();
[id(8), propput, helpstring("property ButtonType")] void ButtonType([in] AgentStateButtonType rhs);
[id(9), propput, helpstring("property BackColor")] void BackColor([in] OLE_COLOR rhs);
[id(10), propget, helpstring("property BackColor")] OLE_COLOR BackColor();
[id(11), propput, helpstring("property BorderColor")] void BorderColor([in] OLE_COLOR rhs);
[id(12), propget, helpstring("property BorderColor")] OLE_COLOR BorderColor();
[id(13), propput, helpstring("property Enabled")] void Enabled([in] boolean rhs);
[id(14), propget, helpstring("property Enabled")] boolean Enabled();
[id(15), propget, helpstring("property PictureAlignment")] AlignmentEnum PictureAlignment();
[id(16), propput, helpstring("property PictureAlignment")] void PictureAlignment([in] AlignmentEnum rhs);
[id(17), propget, helpstring("property AppearanceStatic")] AppearanceEnum AppearanceStatic();
[id(18), propput, helpstring("property AppearanceStatic")] void AppearanceStatic([in] AppearanceEnum rhs);
[id(19), propget, helpstring("property Text")] BSTR Text();
[id(20), propput, helpstring("property Text")] void Text([in] BSTR rhs);
[id(21), propget, helpstring("property ToolTipCaption")] BSTR ToolTipCaption();
[id(22), propput, helpstring("property ToolTipCaption")] void ToolTipCaption([in] BSTR rhs);
[id(23), propget, helpstring("property Font")] IFontDisp* Font();
[id(24), propputref, helpstring("property Font")] void Font([in] IFontDisp* rhs);
[id(25), propput, helpstring("property Font")] void Font([in] IFontDisp* rhs);
[id(26), propget, helpstring("property TextColor")] OLE_COLOR TextColor();
[id(27), propput, helpstring("property TextColor")] void TextColor([in] OLE_COLOR rhs);
[id(28), propget, helpstring("property PictureStatic")] IPictureDisp* PictureStatic();
[id(29), propputref, helpstring("property PictureStatic")] void PictureStatic([in] IPictureDisp* rhs);
[id(30), propput, helpstring("property PictureStatic")] void PictureStatic([in] IPictureDisp* rhs);
[id(31), propget, helpstring("property PictureDisabled")] IPictureDisp* PictureDisabled();
[id(32), propputref, helpstring("property PictureDisabled")] void PictureDisabled([in] IPictureDisp* rhs);
[id(33), propput, helpstring("property PictureDisabled")] void PictureDisabled([in] IPictureDisp* rhs);
[id(34), propget, helpstring("property HighlightColor")] OLE_COLOR HighlightColor();
[id(35), propput, helpstring("property HighlightColor")] void HighlightColor([in] OLE_COLOR rhs);
[id(36), propget, helpstring("property ShadowColor")] OLE_COLOR ShadowColor();
[id(37), propput, helpstring("property ShadowColor")] void ShadowColor([in] OLE_COLOR rhs);
[id(38), propget, helpstring("property ShowFocus")] FocusEnum ShowFocus();
[id(39), propput, helpstring("property ShowFocus")] void ShowFocus([in] FocusEnum rhs);
[id(40), propget, helpstring("property PictureSpacing")] short PictureSpacing();
[id(41), propput, helpstring("property PictureSpacing")] void PictureSpacing([in] short rhs);
[id(42), propget, helpstring("Determines whether or not the Reason Code must be specified property a reason code must be specified on agent state change")] enumReasonCodeState ReasonCodeState();
[id(43), propput, helpstring("Determines whether or not the Reason Code must be specified property a reason code must be specified on agent state change")] void ReasonCodeState([in] enumReasonCodeState rhs);
[id(44), propget, helpstring("property ReasonCodeList")] BSTR ReasonCodeList();
[id(45), propput, helpstring("property ReasonCodeList")] void ReasonCodeList([in] BSTR rhs);
[id(46)] void DoClick();
typedef enum
eLoginAgentBtn = 0,
eLoginSupervisorBtn = 1,
eNotReadyBtn = 2,
eReadyBtn = 3,
eWorkNotReadyBtn = 4,
eWorkReadyBtn = 5,
eLogoutBtn = 6
} AgentStateButtonType;
typedef enum
Left = 0,
Center = 1,
Right = 2,
Top = 3,
Bottom = 4
} AlignmentEnum;
typedef [public] __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AgentStateCtl_0209_0001 AppearanceEnum;
typedef enum
cFlat = 0,
cBorder = 1,
c3dBorderRaised = 2,
c3dBorderSunken = 3,
c3dLow = 4,
c3dHigh = 5,
c3dLowWithBorder = 6,
c3dHighWithBorder = 7
} __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AgentStateCtl_0209_0001;
typedef [public] __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AgentStateCtl_0209_0002 FocusEnum;
typedef enum
None = 0,
DrawRect = 1
} __MIDL___MIDL_itf_AgentStateCtl_0209_0002;
helpstring("_IAgentStateCtlEvents Interface")
dispinterface _IAgentStateCtlEvents
[id(0), helpstring("method OnEnableControlReceived")] void OnEnableControlReceived(long Enabled);
[id(1), helpstring("method OnAgentStateChanged")] HRESULT OnAgentStateChanged([in] IDispatch* vEventParam);
helpstring("AgentStateCtl Class")
coclass AgentStateCtl
[default] dispinterface IAgentStateCtl;
[default, source] dispinterface _IAgentStateCtlEvents;
helpstring("AgentStateCtlPropPage Class")
coclass AgentStateCtlPropPage
[default] interface IUnknown;
helpstring("SinkAgentEvents Class")
coclass SinkAgentEvents
[default] dispinterface _IAgentStateCtlEvents;
helpstring("_IReasonCodePropPageEvents Interface")
dispinterface _IReasonCodePropPageEvents
helpstring("ReasonCodePropPage Class")
coclass ReasonCodePropPage
[default] interface IUnknown;
[default, source] dispinterface _IReasonCodePropPageEvents;