Retrieves a specified type of information about an access token
#include <Security.au3>
_Security__GetTokenInformation($hToken, $iClass)
$hToken | A handle to an access token from which information is retrieved. If $iClass specifies $sTokenSource, the handle must have $TOKEN_QUERY_SOURCE access. For all other $iClass values, the handle must have $TOKEN_QUERY access. |
$iClass |
Specifies a value to identify the type of information the function retrieves |
Возвращаемое значение
Успех: | A byte structure filled with the requested information |
Ошибка: | Возвращает 0 |
См. также
_Security__OpenProcessToken, _Security__OpenThreadToken, _Security__OpenThreadTokenExСм. также
Искать GetTokenInformation в библиотеке MSDNПример
#include <SecurityConstants.au3>
#include <Security.au3>
#include <WinAPI.au3>
Func Example_TokInfo()
Local $hProcess = _WinAPI_GetCurrentProcess()
If @error Then Return ; check for possible errors
Local $hToken = _Security__OpenProcessToken($hProcess, $TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS)
; If token is get...
If $hToken Then
; Get information about the type of this token:
Local $tInfo = _Security__GetTokenInformation($hToken, $TOKENTYPE)
; The result will be raw binary data. For $TOKENTYPE it's TOKEN_TYPE value (enum value). Reinterpreting as "int" type therefore:
Local $iTokenType = DllStructGetData(DllStructCreate("int", DllStructGetPtr($tInfo)), 1)
ConsoleWrite("Token type is " & $iTokenType & @CRLF) ; Can be value of either $TOKENPRIMARY or $TOKENIMPERSONATION
; Close the token handle
EndFunc ;==>Example_TokInfo