Enables or disables privileges in the specified access token
#include <Security.au3>
_Security__AdjustTokenPrivileges($hToken, $fDisableAll, $pNewState, $iBufferLen [, $pPrevState = 0 [, $pRequired = 0]])
$hToken | Handle to the access token that contains privileges to be modified |
$fDisableAll |
If True, the function disables all privileges and ignores the NewState parameter. If False, the function modifies privileges based on the information pointed to by the $pNewState parameter. |
$pNewState |
Pointer to a $tagTOKEN_PRIVILEGES structure that contains the privilege and it's attributes |
$iBufferLen | Size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by $pNewState |
$pPrevState |
[необязательный] Pointer to a $tagTOKEN_PRIVILEGES structure that specifies the previous state of the privilege that the function modified. This can be 0 |
$pRequired |
[необязательный] Pointer to a variable that receives the required size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by $pPrevState. This parameter can be 0 if $pPrevState is 0. |
Возвращаемое значение
Успех: | Возвращает True |
Ошибка: | Возвращает False |
This function cannot add new privileges to an access token. It can only enable or disable the token's existingСм. также
Искать AdjustTokenPrivileges в библиотеке MSDNПример
#RequireAdmin ; for this example to have sense
#include <SecurityConstants.au3>
#include <Security.au3>
#include <WinAPI.au3>
Local $hToken = _Security__OpenProcessToken(_WinAPI_GetCurrentProcess(), $TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS)
If $hToken Then
; $hToken is this process' token with $TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS access
; Disable all privileges for this token
If _Security__AdjustTokenPrivileges($hToken, True, 0, 0) Then
;... Do whatever with this token now and here...
MsgBox(262144, "TokenPrivileges", "All TokenPrivileges disabled!")
; Close handle when done