Shares a server resource
#include <NetShare.au3>
_Net_Share_ShareSetInfo($sServer, $sShare, $sComment, $iMaxUses)
$sServer | Specifies the DNS or NetBIOS name of the remote server on which the function is to execute. If this parameter is blank, the local computer is used. |
$sShare |
Specifies the name of the share to set information on |
$sComment |
String that contains an optional comment about the shared resource |
$iMaxUses |
Indicates the maximum number of connections that the resource can accommodate. The number of connections is unlimited if this value is –1. |
Возвращаемое значение
Успех: | Возвращает True |
Ошибка: | Возвращает False |
Only members of the Administrators or Power Users local group or those with Print or Server Operator groupСм. также
_Net_Share_ShareGetInfoСм. также
Искать NetShareSetInfo в библиотеке MSDNПример
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <NetShare.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
Global $iMemo
Func _Main()
Local $hGUI, $aInfo
Local Const $sShareName = "AutoIt Share"
; Создаёт GUI
$hGUI = GUICreate("NetShare", 400, 300)
; Создаёт элемент для заметок
$iMemo = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 2, 2, 396, 296, $WS_VSCROLL)
GUICtrlSetFont($iMemo, 9, 400, 0, "Courier New")
; See if the share exists
If _Net_Share_ShareCheck (@computername, $ssharename) = -1 Then
; Create a share on the local computer
_Net_Share_ShareAdd (@ComputerName, $sShareName, 0, "C:\", "AutoIt Share Comment")
If @error Then MsgBox(4096, "Информация", "Share add error : " & @error)
MemoWrite("Share added")
MemoWrite("Share exists")
; Change share information
_Net_Share_ShareSetInfo (@ComputerName, $sShareName, "New Comment", 4)
; Show information about the share we added
$aInfo = _Net_Share_ShareGetInfo (@ComputerName, $sShareName)
MemoWrite("Share name ..............: " & $aInfo[0])
MemoWrite("Share type...............: " & _Net_Share_ResourceStr ($aInfo[1]))
MemoWrite("Comment .................: " & $aInfo[2])
MemoWrite("Permissions .............: " & _Net_Share_PermStr ($aInfo[3]))
MemoWrite("Maximum connections .....: " & $aInfo[4])
MemoWrite("Current connections .....: " & $aInfo[5])
MemoWrite("Local path ..............: " & $aInfo[6])
MemoWrite("Password ................: " & $aInfo[7])
; Delete the share
_Net_Share_ShareDel (@ComputerName, $sShareName)
If @error Then MsgBox(4096, "Информация", "Share delete error : " & @error)
MemoWrite("Share deleted")
; Цикл выполняется, пока окно не будет закрыто
EndFunc ;==>_Main
; Записывает строку в элемент для заметок
Func MemoWrite($sMessage = "")
GUICtrlSetData($iMemo, $sMessage & @CRLF, 1)
EndFunc ;==>MemoWrite