;Деление пути на части:
;имя диска, путь без имени и расширения файла, путь бз расширения, путь без имени диска,
;имя файла и расширение, имя файла, только расширение файла
#include <Array.au3> ;Только для примера
$sPath = @ScriptFullPath
$aPathArr = _PathSplitByRegExp($sPath)
If IsArray($aPathArr) Then
_ArrayDisplay($aPathArr, "Demo of _PathSplitRegExp()")
ElseIf $aPathArr = $sPath Then
MsgBox(64, "Demo of _PathSplitRegExp()", $aPathArr)
MsgBox(48, "Error", "The path is not correct")
; Function Name: _PathSplitByRegExp()
; Description: Split the path to 9 elements.
; Parameter(s): $sPath - Path to split.
; Requirement(s):
; Return Value(s): On seccess - Array $aRetArray that contain 9 elements:
; $aRetArray[0] = Full path ($sPath)
; $aRetArray[1] = Drive letter
; $aRetArray[2] = Path without FileName and extension
; $aRetArray[3] = Full path without File Extension
; $aRetArray[4] = Full path without drive letter
; $aRetArray[5] = Full path without drive letter and without FileName and extension
; $aRetArray[6] = FileName and extension
; $aRetArray[7] = Just Filename
; $aRetArray[8] = Just Extension of a file
; On failure - If $sPath is not a valid path (the path is not splitable), then original $sPath is returned.
; If $sPath does not include supported delimiters or it's emty, @error set to 1 and -1 is returned.
; Note(s): The path can include backslash as well (exmp: C:/test/test.zip).
; Author(s): G.Sandler a.k.a CreatoR (MrCreatoR) - Thanks to amel27 for help with RegExp
Func _PathSplitByRegExp($sPath)
If $sPath = "" Or (StringInStr($sPath, "\") And StringInStr($sPath, "/")) Then
Return SetError(1, 0, -1)
Local $aRetArray[9], $pDelim = ""
If StringRegExp($sPath, '^(?i)([A-Z]:|\\)(\\[^\\]+)+$') Then
$pDelim = "\"
If StringRegExp($sPath, '(?i)(^.*:/)(/[^/]+)+$') Then
$pDelim = "//"
If $pDelim = "" Then
$pDelim = "/"
If Not StringInStr($sPath, $pDelim) Then
Return $sPath
If $pDelim = "\" Then
$pDelim &= "\"
$aRetArray[0] = $sPath ;Full path
$aRetArray[1] = StringRegExpReplace($sPath, $pDelim & '.*', $pDelim) ;Drive letter
$aRetArray[2] = StringRegExpReplace($sPath, $pDelim & '[^' & $pDelim & ']*$', '') ;Path without FileName and extension
$aRetArray[3] = StringRegExpReplace($sPath, '\.[^.]*$', '') ;Full path without File Extension
$aRetArray[4] = StringRegExpReplace($sPath, '(?i)([A-Z]:' & $pDelim & ')', '') ;Full path without drive letter
$aRetArray[5] = StringRegExpReplace($aRetArray[4], $pDelim & '[^' & $pDelim & ']*$', '') ;Full path without drive letter and without FileName and extension
$aRetArray[6] = StringRegExpReplace($sPath, '^.*' & $pDelim, '') ;FileName and extension
$aRetArray[7] = StringRegExpReplace($sPath, '.*' & $pDelim & '|\.[^.]*$', '') ;Just Filename
$aRetArray[8] = StringRegExpReplace($aRetArray[6], '^.*\.|^.*$', '') ;Just Extension of a file
Return $aRetArray