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Identifies the network provider that owns the resource

#include <WinNet.au3>
_WinNet_GetResourceInformation($sRemoteName [, $sProvider = "" [, $iType = 0]])


$sRemoteName The remote path name of the resource
$sProvider [необязательный] The name of the provider that owns the resource. This member can be blank if the provider name
    is unknown.
$iType [необязательный] Type of resource. This member can be 0 if it is not known.

Возвращаемое значение

Успех:Возвращает массив следующего формата:
$aResource[0] - Scope of enumeration:
0 - Connected
1 - All resources
2 - Remembered
$aResource[1] - Type of resource:
0 - Disk
1 - Print
2 - Unknown
$aResource[2] - Display option:
0 - Generic
1 - Domain
2 - Server
3 - Share
4 - File
5 - Group
6 - Network
7 - Root
8 - Admin Share
9 - Directory
10 - Tree
11 - NDS Container
$aResource[3] - Resource usage. Can be one or more of the following:
1 - The resource is a connectable resource
2 - The resource is a container resource
4 - The resource is attached
8 - Thre resource is reserved
$aResource[4] - Local name
$aResource[5] - Remote name
$aResource[6] - Comment supplied by the network provider
$aResource[7] - The name of the provider that owns the resource
$aResource[8] - The part of the resource that is accessed through system functions
Ошибка:Устанавливает @error

См. также

Искать WNetGetResourceInformation в библиотеке MSDN