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Returns extended information about a specific network provider

#include <WinNet.au3>


$sName The network provider for which information is required

Возвращаемое значение

Успех:Возвращает массив следующего формата:
$aInfo[0] - Version number of the network provider software
$aInfo[1] - Current status of the network provider software:
0 - The network is running
1 - The network is unavailable
2 - The network is not currently able to service requests
$aInfo[2] - Instance handle for the network provider
$aInfo[3] - High word of the network type unique to the running network
$aInfo[4] - Set of bit flags indicating the valid print numbers for redirecting local printer devices, with
the low-order bit corresponding to LPT1.$aInfo[5] - Set of bit flags indicating the valid local disk devices that can be used for redirecting disk
drives, with the low-order bit corresponding to A:.
Ошибка:Устанавливает @error

См. также

Искать WNetGetNetworkInformation в библиотеке MSDN