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Continues an enumeration of network resources

#include <WinNet.au3>
_WinNet_EnumResource($hEnum, ByRef $iCount, $pBuffer, ByRef $iBufSize)


$hEnum Handle that identifies an enumeration instance. The handle is returned by the _WinNet_OpenEnum
$iCount Number of entries requested. If the number requested is –1, the function returns as many
    entries as possible. If the function succeeds, on return the variable contains the number of entries actually
$pBuffer Pointer to the buffer that receives the enumeration results. The results are returned as an
    array of $tagNETRESOURCE structures. The buffer must be large enough to hold the structures plus the strings
    to which their members point. The buffer is valid until the next call using the handle specified by hEnum.
    The order of $tagNETRESOURCE structures in the array is not predictable.
$iBufSize The size of the buffer, in bytes. If the buffer is too small to receive even one entry, this
    parameter receives the required size of the buffer.

Возвращаемое значение

Успех:Возвращает True
Ошибка:Возвращает False

См. также

_WinNet_OpenEnum, $tagNETRESOURCE

См. также

Искать WNetEnumResource в библиотеке MSDN