Описание ключевого слова


Contains information used with the $TBN_GETOBJECT, $TCN_GETOBJECT, $RBN_GETOBJECT, and $PSN_GETOBJECT notification messages

Global Const $tagNMOBJECTNOTIFY = $tagNMHDR & ";int Item;ptr piid;ptr pObject;long Result;dword dwFlags"


$tagNMHDR Структура $tagNMHDR, содержащая информацию об уведомительном сообщении
Item A control-specific item identifier
piid A pointer to an interface identifier of the requested object
pObject A pointer to an object provided by the window processing the notification message
The application processing the notification message sets this member
Result COM success or failure flags. The application processing the notification message sets this member
dwFlags control specific flags (hints as to where in iItem it hit)