Описание ключевого слова


Carries information required to process the $MCN_GETDAYSTATE notification me

Global Const $tagNMDAYSTATE = $tagNMHDR & ";short Year;short Month;short DOW;short Day;short Hour;" & _
        "short Minute;short Second;short MSeconds;int DayState;ptr pDayState"


$tagNMHDR Структура $tagNMHDR, содержащая информацию об уведомительном сообщении
Year Год
Month Месяц
DOW День недели
Day День
Hour Час
Minute Минута
Second Секунда
MSeconds Миллисекунды
DayState The total number of elements that must be in the array at pDayState
pDayState Address of an array of MONTHDAYSTATE (DWORD bit field that holds the state of each day in a month)
Each bit (1 through 31) represents the state of a day in a month. If a bit is on, the corresponding day will
be displayed in bold; otherwise it will be displayed with no emphasis.
The buffer at this address must be large enough to contain at least DayState elements.