Описание ключевого слова
Carries information required to process the $MCN_GETDAYSTATE notification me
Global Const $tagNMDAYSTATE = $tagNMHDR & ";short Year;short Month;short DOW;short Day;short Hour;" & _
"short Minute;short Second;short MSeconds;int DayState;ptr pDayState"
$tagNMHDR | Структура $tagNMHDR, содержащая информацию об уведомительном сообщении |
Year |
Год |
Month |
Месяц |
День недели |
Day |
День |
Hour |
Час |
Minute |
Минута |
Second |
Секунда |
MSeconds |
Миллисекунды |
DayState |
The total number of elements that must be in the array at pDayState |
pDayState |
Address of an array of MONTHDAYSTATE (DWORD bit field that holds the state of each day in a month) Each bit (1 through 31) represents the state of a day in a month. If a bit is on, the corresponding day will be displayed in bold; otherwise it will be displayed with no emphasis. The buffer at this address must be large enough to contain at least DayState elements. |