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Cancels an existing network connection

#include <WinNet.au3>
_WinNet_CancelConnection($sName [, $fForce = True])


$sName Name of either the redirected local device or the remote network resource to disconnect from.
    When this parameter specifies a redirected local device, the function cancels only the specified device
    redirection. If the parameter specifies a remote network resource, only the connections to remote networks
    without devices are canceled.
$fForce [необязательный] Specifies whether or not the disconnection should occur if there are open files or jobs on the
    connection. If this parameter is False, the function fails if there are open files or jobs.

Возвращаемое значение

Успех:Возвращает True
Ошибка:Возвращает False


This function is provided for compatibility with 16-bit versions of Windows. Other Windows-based applications
should call the WNet_CancelConnection2 function.

См. также


См. также

Искать WNetCancelConnection в библиотеке MSDN