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нужна помощь в определении параметра кнопки


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<title>Moovex - מערכת לניהול היסעים בארגון - default</title>
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</head><script language=javascript>if(navigator.appName!="Microsoft Internet Explorer"){alert("IE only");document.location="logo.png";}function autoComplete (field, select, property, forcematch) {  var found = false;  for (var i = 0; i < select.options.length; i++) {if (select.options[i].style.color != '#cccccc' && select.options[i][property].toUpperCase().indexOf(field.value.toUpperCase()) == 0) {found=true; break;}}  if (found) {select.selectedIndex = i;}  else {select.selectedIndex = 0;}  if (field.createTextRange){    if (forcematch && !found) {      field.value = field.value.substring(0,field.value.length-1);       return;}    var cursorKeys ="8;46;37;38;39;40;33;34;35;36;45;";    if (cursorKeys.indexOf(event.keyCode+";") == -1) {      var r1 = field.createTextRange();      var oldValue = r1.text;      var newValue = found ? select.options[i][property] : oldValue;      if (newValue != field.value) {        field.value = newValue;        var rNew = field.createTextRange();        rNew.moveStart('character', oldValue.length) ;        rNew.select();  }}}}</script><script language=vbscript>Function IIf(expr, truepart, falsepart)
   IIf = falsepart
   If expr Then IIf = truepart
End Function
function removelines(byval a, byval t)
  dim r, b, e
  e = "" : r = a & "
  r = replace(r, "<BR abp", "
  do until r = ""
    b = left(r,instr(1,r,"
    r = mid(r,instr(1,r,"
    if instr(1,b,t,1) = 0 then e = e & b & "
  if e <> "" then e = left(e,len(e)-4)
  removelines = e
end function
function strfilter(byval a,byval ok_chars)
  dim i, b
  if ok_chars = "" then ok_chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
  b = ""
  for i = 1 to len(a)
    if instr(ok_chars, mid(a,i,1)) > 0 then b = b & mid(a,i,1)
  strfilter = b
end function
Function CountString(byval a, byval b)
  if b = "" or a = "" then countstring = 0 : exit function
  dim i
  CountString = 0
  i = 1
  Do Until InStr(i, a, b, 1) = 0
    i = InStr(i, a, b, 1) + Len(b)
    CountString = CountString + 1
End Function
function replacefromto(byval a, byval OnlyAfter, byval F, byval T, byval InsertText)
  dim x0, x1, x2, x1a, x2a
  if isnull(a) or isnull(onlyafter) or isnull(f) or isnull(t) or isnull(inserttext) then replacefromto = a : exit function
  if onlyafter = "" then x0 = 0 else x0 = instr(1, a, OnlyAfter, 1) : if x0 = 0 then replacefromto = a : exit function
  x1 = instr(x0 + 1, a, f, 1) : if x1 = 0 then replacefromto = a : exit function
  x2 = instr(x1 + len(f), a, t, 1) + len(t) : if x2 = len(t) then replacefromto = a : exit function
  replacefromto = left(a, x1 - 1) & InsertText & mid(a, x2)
end function
function getfromto(byval a, byval OnlyAfter, byval F, byval T, byval includeF, byval includeT)
  dim x0, x1, x2, x1a, x2a
  if onlyafter = "" then x0 = 0 else x0 = instr(1, a, OnlyAfter, 1) : if x0 = 0 then getfromto = "" : exit function
  x1 = instr(x0 + 1, a, f, 1) : if x1 = 0 then getfromto = "" : exit function
  x2 = instr(x1 + len(f), a, t, 1) + len(t) : if x2 = len(t) then getfromto = "" : exit function
  if not includeF then x1 = x1 + len(F)
  if not includeT then x2 = x2 - len(t)
  getfromto = mid(a, x1, x2 - x1)
end function
Function Curl(byval a)
  dim i,b,ok_chars
  a = CStr(a)
  ok_chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
  For i = 1 To Len(a)
    b = Mid(a, i, 1)
    If InStr(ok_chars, b) > 0 Then
      Curl = Curl & b
      b = Hex(Asc(b))
      If Len(b) = 1 Then b = "0" & b
      Curl = Curl & "%" & b
    End If
End Function
function getval(byval a,byval b)
  getval = ""
  dim x,y
  a = "|" & a & "|"
  x = instr(1,a,"|" & b & "=",1)
  if x = 0 then exit function
  x = x + len(b) + 2
  y = instr(x,a,"|")
  getval = mid(a,x,y-x)
end function
function setval(ByVal a, ByVal b, ByVal v)
  Dim x, y, t
  If Left(a, "1") <> "|" Then a = "|" & a
  If Right(a, "1") <> "|" Then a = a & "|"
  x = InStr(a, "|" & b & "=")
  If x = 0 Then
    a = a & b & "=" & v & "|"
    y = InStr(x + 1, a, "|")
    t = b & "=" & v & "|"
    If v = "" Then t = ""
    a = Left(a, x) & t & Mid(a, y)
  End If
  a = Replace(a, "||", "|")
  setval = a
End function
Function lastday(ByVal m)
  Dim y, leapyear
  m = CStr(m)
  If InStr(m, "/") > 0 Then
    y = Mid(m, InStr(m, "/") + 1): m = Left(m, InStr(m, "/") - 1)
    y = CInt("0" & y): If y < 100 Then y = 2000 + y
    leapyear = false : If y / 4 = Fix(y / 4) and not (y / 100 = Fix(y / 100) And y / 400 <> Fix(y / 400)) Then leapyear = True
  End If
  m = cstr(m) : if len(m) = 2 then if left(m,1) = "0" then m = mid(m,2)
  Select Case m
    Case "4", "6", "9", "11": lastday = "30"
    Case "2": lastday = "28"
    Case Else: lastday = "31"
  End Select
  If m = "2" And leapyear Then lastday = "29"
End Function
Function openwin(p)
  dim x, spec
  'spec = "toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,left=40,top=40,width=700,height=400,sizable=yes"
  set x = window.open(p,"report1",spec)
End Function
function gethourstring(byval minutes)
  dim hours, t
  if left(minutes,1) = "-" then t = "-" : minutes = mid(minutes,2)
  hours = fix(minutes/60)
  minutes = fix(minutes)
  minutes = minutes - hours * 60
  minutes = cstr(minutes) : if len(minutes) = 1 then minutes = "0" & minutes
  gethourstring = t & hours & ":" & minutes
end function
function getminutestring(byval seconds)
  dim minutes, t
  if left(seconds,1) = "-" then t = "-" : seconds = mid(seconds,2)
  minutes = fix(seconds/60)
  seconds = fix(seconds)
  seconds = seconds - minutes * 60
  seconds = cstr(seconds) : if len(seconds) = 1 then seconds = "0" & seconds
  getminutestring = t & minutes & ":" & seconds
end function
function formatidlistunique(byval d)
  dim b,r
  if isnull(d) then d = ""
  d = strfilter(d,"0123456789,")
  do until instr(d,",,") = 0 : d = replace(d,",,",",") : loop
  if d <> "" and left(d,1) = "," then d = mid(d,2)
  if d <> "" and right(d,1) <> "," then d = d & ","
  r = ""
  do until d = ""
    b = left(d,instr(d,",")-1) : d = mid(d,instr(d,",")+1)
    if instr("," & r, "," & b & ",") = 0 then r = r & b & ","
  formatidlistunique = r
end function
</script><body rightmargin=0 leftmargin=0 bottommargin=0 topmargin=0  onload='vbscript: document.body.scrolltop = 1' ><table id=toptable style='width:1; position1:absolute; top:0; left:0;'><tr><td style='background=#000000; height=39px;'><tr><td style='background:#eeeeee; border-bottom:1px solid #bbbbbb; height:64px;'></table><script language=vbscript> x = setTimeout("toptable.style.width = document.body.scrollwidth : document.body.scrolltop = 1",1000,"vbscript") </script><table id=tt11 width=100% border=0 style='position:absolute; top:0; left=0; z-index:1;'><tr bgcolor=#000000 height=39><td align=left colspan=2 style='padding:5;'><table border=0 height=100% align=left dir=rtl><tr><td style='padding-left:10;'>   <span style='color:#bbbbbb; font-size1:10px;'>v14.11.26</span>   <a href=default.asp><img src=logo.png border=0></a></table><table align=right style='margin-top:5; margin-right:10;'><tr><Td></table></tr><form name=f3 action=admin_orders.asp method=post><input type=hidden name=action value=search><input type=hidden name=action2 value=clear><input type=hidden name=ordersview value=all><input type=hidden name=statuses value=''><tr><td style='background:#eeeeee; border-bottom:1px solid #bbbbbb; height:60; padding:10;'><table align=left cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr><td>   <span style='color:#aaaaaa; font-size:10;'>Moovex - מערכת לניהול היסעים בארגון</font>   <a href=admin.asp><img border=0 style='margin-left:10;' src=moovex.png height=40></a></table><div style='width:100%; text-align:center; padding-left:300;'><span id=progress style='position:absolute; top:-1000; width:502;'><nobr><span id=progresstext style='padding:2; padding-left:5; padding-right:5; width:120; color:#808080;'></span><span style='width:402; padding:1; background:#f5f5f5; text-align:left; border:1px solid #808080;'><nobr><span id=progressbar style='direction:ltr; height:10; width:1; background:#bbbbff;'></span></span></span></div></tr></form></table>

<table border=0 align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 dir=rtl><form action=default.asp method=post name=f1 autocomplete=off><input type=hidden name=action value=login_form><input type=hidden name=clientscreenwidth><tr><td>
<center><table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0><tr><td>שם המשתמש<td><input type=text name=username style='font-size:17;'><tr><td>סיסמה<td><input type=password name=pass autocomplete=off style='font-size:17;'><tr><td colspan=2><nobr><table align=left><tr><td><a href=forgot.asp><u>שכחת סיסמה?</u></a></table>
<input type=checkbox name=remember> זכור את הסיסמה במחשב הזה
<input type=checkbox name=delsessionvalues> נקה העדפות
<tr><td colspan=2 align=left>
<input type=submit style='width:0; height:0; position:absolute; top:-1000;'><div onclick='vbscript: f1.submit' style='cursor:hand; width:120; height:14; color:#ffffff; background:#366CD1; border:1px solid #cccccc; padding:4; white-space:nowrap; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;'>כניסה</div><Tr><td>

</table><td width=40><td rowspan=9 valign=top><img src=login2.jpg></table>

<script language=vbscript> f1.clientscreenwidth.value = screen.width </script><script language=vbscript>f1.username.focus</script></table><center>
<hr style='color:#aaaaaa; height:1;'><font dir=ltr style='font-size:10px; font-weight:normal; color:808080; vertical-align:bottom;'>Powered by <a style='font-size:10;' href=http://axisis.net>Axis I.S. Ltd.</a> | Copyright (c) 2014 | <a target=top href=http://axisis.net/terms.asp style='font-size:10; color:8080ff;'>Terms of use</a></font></center>

Нужна помощь в нахождении ID параметра,или нажать на нее

#include <IE.au3>
#include <TrayConstants.au3>

If Not $CmdLine[0] Then
    MsgBox(16, '', 'No ID of working')

Local $sUrl = 'https://kla.moovex.net/';url
Local $oIE, $oTxt, $oBtn
Local $oIE_new, $oTxt_new, $oBtn_new

 $SN = $CmdLine[1]
;~     $oIE = _IECreate($sUrl)
	$oIE = _IECreate( $sUrl,0,0,0)
$HWND = _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "hwnd")
WinSetState($HWND, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
    If @error Then ExitLoop
	   TrayTip("", "Alex Pougach" & @CR & "KLA-Tencor", 5)
    $oTxt = _IEGetObjById($oIE, 'username')
	 If @error Then ExitLoop
    _IEFormElementSetValue($oTxt, $SN)
    If @error Then ExitLoop
    $oBtn = _IEGetObjById($oIE, 'pass')
    If @error Then ExitLoop
    _IEFormElementSetValue($oBtn, $SN)
;~     If @error Then ExitLoop
	 $oBtn = _IEGetObjById($oIE, 'f1.username.focus')
;~ 	     If @error Then ExitLoop
    _IEAction($oBtn, 'click')
;~     If @error Then ExitLoop

 Until 1



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<html dir=rtl><head>
<title>Moovex - מערכת לניהול היסעים בארגון - default</title>
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</head><script language=javascript>if(navigator.appName!="Microsoft Internet Explorer"){alert("IE only");document.location="logo.png";}function autoComplete (field, select, property, forcematch) { var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < select.options.length; i++) {if (select.options.style.color != '#cccccc' && select.options[property].toUpperCase().indexOf(field.value.toUpperCase()) == 0) {found=true; break;}} if (found) {select.selectedIndex = i;} else {select.selectedIndex = 0;} if (field.createTextRange){ if (forcematch && !found) { field.value = field.value.substring(0,field.value.length-1); return;} var cursorKeys ="8;46;37;38;39;40;33;34;35;36;45;"; if (cursorKeys.indexOf(event.keyCode+";") == -1) { var r1 = field.createTextRange(); var oldValue = r1.text; var newValue = found ? select.options[property] : oldValue; if (newValue != field.value) { field.value = newValue; var rNew = field.createTextRange(); rNew.moveStart('character', oldValue.length) ; rNew.select(); }}}}</script><script language=vbscript>Function IIf(expr, truepart, falsepart)
IIf = falsepart
If expr Then IIf = truepart
End Function
function removelines(byval a, byval t)
dim r, b, e
e = "" : r = a & "
r = replace(r, "<BR abp", "
do until r = ""
b = left(r,instr(1,r,"
r = mid(r,instr(1,r,"
if instr(1,b,t,1) = 0 then e = e & b & "
if e <> "" then e = left(e,len(e)-4)
removelines = e
end function
function strfilter(byval a,byval ok_chars)
dim i, b
if ok_chars = "" then ok_chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
b = ""
for i = 1 to len(a)
if instr(ok_chars, mid(a,i,1)) > 0 then b = b & mid(a,i,1)
strfilter = b
end function
Function CountString(byval a, byval b)
if b = "" or a = "" then countstring = 0 : exit function
dim i
CountString = 0
i = 1
Do Until InStr(i, a, b, 1) = 0
i = InStr(i, a, b, 1) + Len(b)
CountString = CountString + 1
End Function
function replacefromto(byval a, byval OnlyAfter, byval F, byval T, byval InsertText)
dim x0, x1, x2, x1a, x2a
if isnull(a) or isnull(onlyafter) or isnull(f) or isnull(t) or isnull(inserttext) then replacefromto = a : exit function
if onlyafter = "" then x0 = 0 else x0 = instr(1, a, OnlyAfter, 1) : if x0 = 0 then replacefromto = a : exit function
x1 = instr(x0 + 1, a, f, 1) : if x1 = 0 then replacefromto = a : exit function
x2 = instr(x1 + len(f), a, t, 1) + len(t) : if x2 = len(t) then replacefromto = a : exit function
replacefromto = left(a, x1 - 1) & InsertText & mid(a, x2)
end function
function getfromto(byval a, byval OnlyAfter, byval F, byval T, byval includeF, byval includeT)
dim x0, x1, x2, x1a, x2a
if onlyafter = "" then x0 = 0 else x0 = instr(1, a, OnlyAfter, 1) : if x0 = 0 then getfromto = "" : exit function
x1 = instr(x0 + 1, a, f, 1) : if x1 = 0 then getfromto = "" : exit function
x2 = instr(x1 + len(f), a, t, 1) + len(t) : if x2 = len(t) then getfromto = "" : exit function
if not includeF then x1 = x1 + len(F)
if not includeT then x2 = x2 - len(t)
getfromto = mid(a, x1, x2 - x1)
end function
Function Curl(byval a)
dim i,b,ok_chars
a = CStr(a)
ok_chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
For i = 1 To Len(a)
b = Mid(a, i, 1)
If InStr(ok_chars, b) > 0 Then
Curl = Curl & b
b = Hex(Asc(b))
If Len(b) = 1 Then b = "0" & b
Curl = Curl & "%" & b
End If
End Function
function getval(byval a,byval b)
getval = ""
dim x,y
a = "|" & a & "|"
x = instr(1,a,"|" & b & "=",1)
if x = 0 then exit function
x = x + len(b) + 2
y = instr(x,a,"|")
getval = mid(a,x,y-x)
end function
function setval(ByVal a, ByVal b, ByVal v)
Dim x, y, t
If Left(a, "1") <> "|" Then a = "|" & a
If Right(a, "1") <> "|" Then a = a & "|"
x = InStr(a, "|" & b & "=")
If x = 0 Then
a = a & b & "=" & v & "|"
y = InStr(x + 1, a, "|")
t = b & "=" & v & "|"
If v = "" Then t = ""
a = Left(a, x) & t & Mid(a, y)
End If
a = Replace(a, "||", "|")
setval = a
End function
Function lastday(ByVal m)
Dim y, leapyear
m = CStr(m)
If InStr(m, "/") > 0 Then
y = Mid(m, InStr(m, "/") + 1): m = Left(m, InStr(m, "/") - 1)
y = CInt("0" & y): If y < 100 Then y = 2000 + y
leapyear = false : If y / 4 = Fix(y / 4) and not (y / 100 = Fix(y / 100) And y / 400 <> Fix(y / 400)) Then leapyear = True
End If
m = cstr(m) : if len(m) = 2 then if left(m,1) = "0" then m = mid(m,2)
Select Case m
Case "4", "6", "9", "11": lastday = "30"
Case "2": lastday = "28"
Case Else: lastday = "31"
End Select
If m = "2" And leapyear Then lastday = "29"
End Function
Function openwin(p)
dim x, spec
'spec = "toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes,left=40,top=40,width=700,height=400,sizable=yes"
set x = window.open(p,"report1",spec)
End Function
function gethourstring(byval minutes)
dim hours, t
if left(minutes,1) = "-" then t = "-" : minutes = mid(minutes,2)
hours = fix(minutes/60)
minutes = fix(minutes)
minutes = minutes - hours * 60
minutes = cstr(minutes) : if len(minutes) = 1 then minutes = "0" & minutes
gethourstring = t & hours & ":" & minutes
end function
function getminutestring(byval seconds)
dim minutes, t
if left(seconds,1) = "-" then t = "-" : seconds = mid(seconds,2)
minutes = fix(seconds/60)
seconds = fix(seconds)
seconds = seconds - minutes * 60
seconds = cstr(seconds) : if len(seconds) = 1 then seconds = "0" & seconds
getminutestring = t & minutes & ":" & seconds
end function
function formatidlistunique(byval d)
dim b,r
if isnull(d) then d = ""
d = strfilter(d,"0123456789,")
do until instr(d,",,") = 0 : d = replace(d,",,",",") : loop
if d <> "" and left(d,1) = "," then d = mid(d,2)
if d <> "" and right(d,1) <> "," then d = d & ","
r = ""
do until d = ""
b = left(d,instr(d,",")-1) : d = mid(d,instr(d,",")+1)
if instr("," & r, "," & b & ",") = 0 then r = r & b & ","
formatidlistunique = r
end function
</script><body rightmargin=0 leftmargin=0 bottommargin=0 topmargin=0 onload='vbscript: document.body.scrolltop = 1' ><table id=toptable style='width:1; position1:absolute; top:0; left:0;'><tr><td style='background=#000000; height=39px;'><tr><td style='background:#eeeeee; border-bottom:1px solid #bbbbbb; height:64px;'></table><script language=vbscript> x = setTimeout("toptable.style.width = document.body.scrollwidth : document.body.scrolltop = 1",1000,"vbscript") </script><table id=tt11 width=100% border=0 style='position:absolute; top:0; left=0; z-index:1;'><tr bgcolor=#000000 height=39><td align=left colspan=2 style='padding:5;'><table border=0 height=100% align=left dir=rtl><tr><td style='padding-left:10;'> <span style='color:#bbbbbb; font-size1:10px;'>v14.11.26</span> <a href=default.asp><img src=logo.png border=0></a></table><table align=right style='margin-top:5; margin-right:10;'><tr><Td></table></tr><form name=f3 action=admin_orders.asp method=post><input type=hidden name=action value=search><input type=hidden name=action2 value=clear><input type=hidden name=ordersview value=all><input type=hidden name=statuses value=''><tr><td style='background:#eeeeee; border-bottom:1px solid #bbbbbb; height:60; padding:10;'><table align=left cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr><td> <span style='color:#aaaaaa; font-size:10;'>Moovex - מערכת לניהול היסעים בארגון</font> <a href=admin.asp><img border=0 style='margin-left:10;' src=moovex.png height=40></a></table><div style='width:100%; text-align:center; padding-left:300;'><span id=progress style='position:absolute; top:-1000; width:502;'><nobr><span id=progresstext style='padding:2; padding-left:5; padding-right:5; width:120; color:#808080;'></span><span style='width:402; padding:1; background:#f5f5f5; text-align:left; border:1px solid #808080;'><nobr><span id=progressbar style='direction:ltr; height:10; width:1; background:#bbbbff;'></span></span></span></div></tr></form></table>

<table border=0 align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 dir=rtl><form action=default.asp method=post name=f1 autocomplete=off><input type=hidden name=action value=login_form><input type=hidden name=clientscreenwidth><tr><td>
<center><table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0><tr><td>שם המשתמש<td><input type=text name=username style='font-size:17;'><tr><td>סיסמה<td><input type=password name=pass autocomplete=off style='font-size:17;'><tr><td colspan=2><nobr><table align=left><tr><td><a href=forgot.asp><u>שכחת סיסמה?</u></a></table>
<input type=checkbox name=remember> זכור את הסיסמה במחשב הזה
<input type=checkbox name=delsessionvalues> נקה העדפות
<tr><td colspan=2 align=left>
<input type=submit style='width:0; height:0; position:absolute; top:-1000;'><div onclick='vbscript: f1.submit' style='cursor:hand; width:120; height:14; color:#ffffff; background:#366CD1; border:1px solid #cccccc; padding:4; white-space:nowrap; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;'>כניסה</div><Tr><td>

</table><td width=40><td rowspan=9 valign=top><img src=login2.jpg></table>

<script language=vbscript> f1.clientscreenwidth.value = screen.width </script><script language=vbscript>f1.username.focus</script></table><center>
<hr style='color:#aaaaaa; height:1;'><font dir=ltr style='font-size:10px; font-weight:normal; color:808080; vertical-align:bottom;'>Powered by <a style='font-size:10;' href=http://axisis.net>Axis I.S. Ltd.</a> | Copyright (c) 2014 | <a target=top href=http://axisis.net/terms.asp style='font-size:10; color:8080ff;'>Terms of use</a></font></center>

укороченный вариант кода

שם המשתמש<td><input type=text name=username style='font-size:17;'><tr><td>סיסמה<td><input type=password name=pass autocomplete=off style='font-size:17;'><tr><td colspan=2><nobr><table align=left><tr><td><a href=forgot.asp><u>שכחת סיסמה?</u></a></table>
<input type=checkbox name=remember> זכור את הסיסמה במחשב הזה
<input type=checkbox name=delsessionvalues> נקה העדפות
<tr><td colspan=2 align=left>
<input type=submit style='width:0; height:0; position:absolute; top:-1000;'><div onclick='vbscript: f1.submit' style='cursor:hand; width:120; height:14; color:#ffffff; background:#366CD1; border:1px solid #cccccc; padding:4; white-space:nowrap; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;'>כניסה</div><Tr><td>

</table><td width=40><td rowspan=9 valign=top><img src=login2.jpg></table>

<script language=vbscript> f1.clientscreenwidth.value = screen.width </script><script language=vbscript>f1.username.focus</script></table><center>
<hr style='color:#aaaaaa; height:1;'><font dir=ltr style='font-size:10px; font-weight:normal; color:808080; vertical-align:bottom;'>Powered by <a style='font-size:10;' href=http://axisis.net>Axis I.S. Ltd.</a> | Copyright (c) 2014 | <a target=top href=http://axisis.net/terms.asp style='font-size:10; color:8080ff;'>Terms of use</a></font></center>

Нужна помощь в нахождении ID параметра,или нажать на нее

#include <IE.au3>
#include <TrayConstants.au3>

If Not $CmdLine[0] Then
    MsgBox(16, '', 'No ID of working')

Local $sUrl = 'https://kla.moovex.net/';url
Local $oIE, $oTxt, $oBtn
Local $oIE_new, $oTxt_new, $oBtn_new

 $SN = $CmdLine[1]
 $SN = '26993'
;~     $oIE = _IECreate($sUrl)
	$oIE = _IECreate( $sUrl,0,0,0)
$HWND = _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "hwnd")
WinSetState($HWND, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
    If @error Then ExitLoop
	   TrayTip("", "Alex Pougach" & @CR & "KLA-Tencor", 5)
    $oTxt_username = _IEGetObjById($oIE, 'username')
	 If @error Then ExitLoop
    _IEFormElementSetValue($oTxt_username, $SN)
    If @error Then ExitLoop
   $oTxt_password = _IEGetObjById($oIE, 'pass')
    If @error Then ExitLoop
    _IEFormElementSetValue( $oTxt_password, $SN)
;~     If @error Then ExitLoop
	 $oBtn1 = _IEGetObjById($oIE, 'login2.jpg')
;~ 	     If @error Then ExitLoop
    _IEAction($oBtn1, 'click')
;~     If @error Then ExitLoop

 Until 1


  • 12.png
    126.9 КБ · Просмотры: 5


Локальный модератор
shyra1976 [?]
или нажать на нее
#include <IE.au3>

$sLogin = "login"
$sPassw = "password"

Local $sUrl = 'https://kla.moovex.net/'

$oIE = _IECreate($sUrl)

$oForm = _IEFormGetObjByName($oIE, "f1")
$oLogin = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oForm, "username")
$oPassw = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oForm, "pass")
_IEFormElementSetValue($oLogin, $sLogin)
_IEFormElementSetValue($oPassw, $sPassw)



Спасибо за ответ я на работе проверю
А можно расшифровать строчку
(где в этом коде моя кнопка)

и строчку

Сообщение автоматически объединено:

shyra1976 сказал(а):
Спасибо за ответ я на работе проверю
А можно расшифровать строчку
(где в этом коде моя кнопка)

и строчку
и если можно обьяснить чем команда
_IEGetObjById($oIE, 'pass')
отличаеться от
_IEFormElementGetObjByName($oForm, "pass")

если вы ею пользуетесь