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Retrieves the bits of the specified bitmap and copies them into a buffer as a DIB

#include <WinAPI.au3>
_WinAPI_GetDIBits($hDC, $hBmp, $iStartScan, $iScanLines, $pBits, $pBI, $iUsage)


$hDC Handle to the device context
$hBmp Handle to the bitmap. This must be a compatible bitmap (DDB).
$iStartScan Specifies the first scan line to retrieve
$iScanLines Specifies the number of scan lines to retrieve
$pBits Pointer to a buffer to receive the bitmap data. If this parameter is 0, the function passes the
    dimensions and format of the bitmap to the $tagBITMAPINFO structure pointed to by the pBI parameter.
$pBI Pointer to a $tagBITMAPINFO structure that specifies the desired format for the DIB data
$iUsage Specifies the format of the bmiColors member of the $tagBITMAPINFO structure. It must be one of
    the following values:
    $DIB_PAL_COLORS - The color table should consist of an array of 16-bit indexes into the current palette
    $DIB_RGB_COLORS - The color table should consist of literal red, green, blue values

Возвращаемое значение

Успех:If pBits is not 0 and the function succeeds, the return value is the number of scan lines copied from the bitmap.
If pBits is 0 and GetDIBits successfully fills the structure, the return value is True.
Ошибка:Возвращает False

См. также


См. также

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