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Retrieves information about a specified named pipe

#include <NamedPipes.au3>


$hNamedPipe Handle to the server end of a named pipe instance

Возвращаемое значение

Успех:Возвращает массив следующего формата:
$aState[0] - True if pipe handle is in nonblocking mode, otherwise blocking mode
$aState[1] - True if pipe handle is in message-read mode, otherwise byte read mode
$aState[2] - Number of current pipe instances
$aState[3] - Maximum number of bytes to be collected on the client's computer before transmission
$aState[4] - Maximum time, in milliseconds, that can pass before a remote named pipe transfers informationover the network.
$aState[5] - User name string associated with the client application. The server can only retrieve thisinformation if the client opened the pipe with the SECURITY_IMPERSONATION access privilige.
Ошибка:Устанавливает @error

См. также


См. также

Искать GetNamedPipeHandleState в библиотеке MSDN