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Performs a read/write operation on a named pipe

#include <NamedPipes.au3>
_NamedPipes_CallNamedPipe($sPipeName, $pInpBuf, $iInpSize, $pOutBuf, $iOutSize, ByRef $iRead [, $iTimeOut = 0])


$sPipeName Pipe name
$pInpBuf Pointer to the buffer containing the data written to the pipe
$iInpSize Size of the write buffer, in bytes
$pOutBuf Pointer to the buffer that receives the data read from the pipe
$iOutSize Size of the read buffer, in bytes
$iRead On return, contains the number of bytes read from the pipe
$iTimeOut [необязательный] Number of milliseconds to wait for the named pipe to be available. In addition to numeric
    values, the following special values can be specified:
    -1 - Wait indefinitely
    0 - Uses the default time-out specified in the call to the CreateNamedPipe
    1 - Do not wait. If the pipe is not available, return an error

Возвращаемое значение

Успех:Возвращает True
Ошибка:Возвращает False


Calling CallNamedPipe is equivalent to calling the CreateFile (or WaitNamedPipe, if CreateFile cannot open
the pipe immediately), TransactNamedPipe, and CloseHandle functions. CreateFile is called with an access flag
of GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, and an inherit handle flag of False. CallNamedPipe fails if the pipe is a
byte-type pipe.

См. также

_NamedPipes_WaitNamedPipe, _NamedPipes_TransactNamedPipe

См. также

Искать CallNamedPipe в библиотеке MSDN